Laborer With One Hand Works Hard To Feed His Family | Motivating Story From Muzaffarabad

2020-10-30 2

Reporter Shahid Qayoum was present in Muzaffarabad where he interviewed Lal Deen, an extremely hardworking laborer who is handicapped. Lal Deen had an accident where he lost his one hand and arm, but he has not let his disability come in the way of living his life to his full potential. Lal Deen feeds his family, working from one hand. He does the work of lifting and cutting wood. He says that by earning money through hard work he has earned respect and set an example for his children. Listen to Lal Deen’s inspiring story in his own words in this video.

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#MotivatingStoryOfAHandicappedMan #InspiringStoryOfADisabledMan #DisabledManInMuzaffarabad